Born in Socking/Starnberg, Germany
Lives and works in Getaria/Basque Country, Spain

Solo Exhibitions
2022 Galeria Ekainartelanak, San Sebástian, Pais Vasco, Spain
2020 “Ni bizi nautenak / Los que me habitan”, Galeria Arteztu, San Sebastian, Pais Vasco, Spain
2019 “Amores inciertos”, La Casa del Artista, Showroom, Hotel Nautílus, Lanzarote/Spain
“La Pared/The Wall”, Gallery Ekainartelanak, San Sebastian/Spain
2018 “ Irudi – erretratoa –simulazioa/ Imagen, Retrato, Simulacro”, Art in the Market, Zarauz
2017 “Transgressions – Hausturak”, La Crypte, Church Sta. Eugenie, Biarritz/France
“Cetaria meets Artist”, Getaria/Spain
2016 “Peintures et installations”, Musée Prision des Eveques, Donibane Garazi/France
2014 “Human Stains – Giza Orbanak”, Cultural Center Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastian/Spain
“Barbara Stammel”, Gallery Ekainartelanak, San Sebastian/Spain
2013 “Papermoon Papers”, Aroztegi Aretoa-Showroom, Bergara/Spain
2013 “Obras de la Colección”, Residence La Casa del Artista, Hotel Nautílus, Lanzarote/Spain
2011 “Niños, Faunos y Ladrones”, Angel Romero Gallery, Madrid/Spain
2010 “New Paintings”, Epelde&Mardaras Gallery, Bilbao/Spain 2010
2010 “De Chicas y Lobos”, Foundation Henrique Leote, Convento Sao Paulo, Redondo/Portugal
“De Ondinas y Sirenas”, Oreka Gallery, Soraluze-Placencia/Spain
2009 “Mädchen”, Angel Romero Gallery, Madrid/Spain
Purchase of 2 paintings of the series “Mädchen” by the Museum of Contemporary Art ARTIUM,
“Barbara Stammel”, Kur Gallery, San Sebastian/Spain
“Deabruak Lorategian – Demonios en el Jardin”, Ciudadela Pamplona, Pamplona/Spain
“Barbara Stammel”, Juan de Lizarazu Showroom, Urretxu/Spain
2008 “Paintings”, Ispiluarte Gallery, Zarauz/Spain
2006 “Paintings”, Angel Romero Gallery, Madrid/Spain
2005 “Barbara Stammel”, Dieciseis Gallery, San Sebastian/Spain
2004 “Barbara Stammel”, Angel Romero Gallery, Madrid/Spain
“Papiertiger - Tigres de Papel”, Drum Gallery, San Sebastian/Spain
1999 “Caps”, Museum d´Art Modern, Tarragona/Spain
“Caps”, Ambit Gallery, Barcelona/Spain
“Dark Stammel”, Zazpi Gallery, Zarauz/Spain
“Personae”, Oxford Aretoa- Showroom, Zumaia/Spain
Group Exhibitions
2021 “Baginen Bagara”, Emakume Artistak/Artistas Mujeres: Lógicas de la (In)Visibilidad, Museo
San Telmo Museoa, Donostia/San Sebastián
2020 “Sorginak/Brujas”, Okendo Kulturetxea/Casa de Cultura Okendo, San Sebastián
2019 “HERIOTZA ante la Muerte”, Museum San Telmo, San Sebastián/Spain
Azken Muga Cultur-Festival, Aralar-Navarra/Spain
“Encuentros”, Estudio El Patio Gallery, Bilbao/Spain
“Crig Slow Garaia”, IKLAB-Designstudio, San Sebastian/Spain
2018 “Cetaria meets the Artists Barbara Stammel y Anabel Quinquoces”, Getaria/Spain
2017 La Crypte, Church Sta. Eugenie, Biarritz/France
2016 “La Vida es bella”, Museum Cristobal Balenciaga, Getaria/Spain
2015 “Artists from San Sebastian, Spain”, Cityhall Wiesbaden/Alemania
“Artists from San Sebastian, Spain”, Gallery Cerny, Wiesbaden/Alemania
2014 “Oxford“, Oxford Aretoa-Showroom, Zumaia/Spain
2013 “Ibilgonia”, Museum of Art and History, Durango/Spain
Bastero Kulturgunea-Showroom, Andoain/Spain
Ispiluarte Gallery, Zarauz/Spain
2012 “Hiperasia”, Portalea Kulturgunea-Showroom, Eibar/Spain
“ARTEANDO”, Feria de Arte Contemporaneo-Contemporary Artfair Ficoba Irun/Spain
2011 Krisis Factory Gallery, Bilbao/Spain
“Zumeta - Ortiz de Elgea – Amundarain – Stammel”,Ispiluarte Gallery, Zarauz/Spain
Artcontest, Museum Ciudad de Alcazar, Ciudad de Alcazar/Spain
2010 Josette Dacosta Gallery, Donibane Garazi/France
“Artists of the Gallery”, Angel Romero Gallery, Madrid/Spain
2009 “Artists of the Gallery”, Angel Romero Gallery, Madrid/Spain
2008 “Artistas del Pais Vasco”, VTA3, Art Gallery, Marbella/Spain
“Artistas sobre Oteiza”, Ispiluarte Gallery, Zarauz/Spain
“Zarauzko Artistak Oteizari”,Sala Kutxa Boulevard – Showroom, San Sebastian/Spain
“Artists of the Gallery”, Angel Romero Gallery, Madrid/Spain
Museum Laia, Showroom of Museum Zuloaga, Zumaia/Spain
Gallery Epelde&Mardaras, Bilbao/Spain
2007 Art Award “Antonio Lopez Torres”, Museum Antonio Lopez Torres, Tomelloso/Spain
2007 Art Award “VI Award of Painting”, Coop. Vinicola de Castilla La Mancha/Spain
“ ets un artista…” workshop of tecniques, Museum D ´Art Modern, Tarragona/Spain
“68. Exposición de Artes Plásticas de Valdepeñas”, Valdepeñas/Spain
“Outsiders”, Gallery Epelde&Mardaras, Mercado de la Ribera, Bilbao/Spain
2006 “Diversidades Formales”, Museum de Arte Caja Burgos, Burgos/Spain
“Ipuinartean I, Encuentos I, Travelling Exhibition, Portalea Showroom, Eibar/Spain, Aritz Enea
Showroom, Basauri/Spain, Sanz Enea Showroom, Zarauz/Spain, Okendo Showroom,
San Sebastian/Spain, Casa de Cultura Showroom, Leioa/Spain
2005 ARCO 05, Artfair with Gallery Angel Romero, Madrid/Spain
Purchase of work by CAB, Caja de Ahorros Burgos, Museum de Arte Caja Burgos, Spain
“Obras Selectas”, Collection Focus – Abengoa, Hospital de los Venerables, Sevilla/Spain
Exhibition “Painting Award Antonio Lopez Torres”, Special Award, Cuidad de Tomelloso/Spain
XXVII Salón de Pintura de Plasencia, Plasencia/Spain
“Ipuinartean I, Encuentos I”, Travelling Exhibition, Aramburu Jauregia Showroom, Tolosa/Spain,
Bastero Kuklturgunea Showroom, Andoain/Spain
2004 Gallery Usoa Zumeta, Arrasate/Spain
Exhibition “III Painting Award Altosa”, Tomelloso/Spain
Bienal de Pintura, Albacete/Spain
2003 “Emigración / Utopia de lo posible”, Espacio Arte, Casa del Este, San Sebastian/Spain
“Artistas Solidarios”, Medicus Mundi para Ruanda, Kutxa Showroom, San Sebastian/Spain
“Arte Axuda Galicia”, Pontevedra, Santiago de Compostela/Spain
“Artozki Bizirik”, Artozki/Spain
2002 “Etxebilatzaileak / Naufragos”, Aramburu Jauregia Showroom, Tolosa/Spain
2001 Painting Award Caja Castilla La Mancha, Toledo/Spain – Purchase of work
Painting Award Focus-Abengoa, Hospital de los Venerables, Sevilla/Spain – Purchase of work
Bienal de Artes Plásticas, Ciudadella Pamplona/Spain
2000 First Prize, Painting Award “Villa de Amurrio”, Amurrio/Spain
Painting Award Caja Castilla La Mancha, Toledo/Spain – Purchase of work
Exhibition “Focus –Abengoa Award”, Hospital de los Venerables, Sevilla/Spain
1998 First Prize, Painting Award XXXI Tapiró, Museum D´Art Modern, Tarragona/Spain
2013 Artist in Residence, La Casa del Artista, Hotel Nautílus, Lanzarote/Spain
2011 Artist in Residence, Farmhouse Berasaluze, Mendaro/Spain
2010 Artist in Residence, La Casa del Artista, Hotel Nautílus, Lanzarote/Spain
1998 Scholarship for art creation, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa/Basque Country/Spain
2019 Conference: Contemporary Artists in the Exhibition “Heriotza – ante la Muerte”, by
Art Historian Marijose Aranzasti, at the Museum San Telmo STM, San Sebastian/Spain
2018 “Imagen, Retrato, Simulacro”, Interview and lecture about my work by Marijose Aranzasti,
Art Historian, at Zarauz Market, Zarauz/Spain
2017 Interview with Art Critic Jean Francois Larralde y J.Dacosta at the Crypte de Sta. Eugenie,
1996 Meeting with the Poet Leopoldo Maria Panero, reading his poems “Poemas de la Vieja” in my
Studio in Getaria/Spain
Public and Private Collections
STM, Museum San Telmo, Donostia/San Sebastian
ARTIUM, Museum of Contemporary Art, Vitoria-Gasteiz/Spain
CAB, Museum Caja de Ahorros Burgos, Burgos/Spain
Museum D´Art Modern, Tarragona/Spain
Museum of Art, Amurrio/Spain
Museum of Art, Albacete/Spain
Foundation Focus-Abengoa, Sevilla/Spain
Foundation Henrique Leote, Redondo/Portugal
Collection Nautílus Bungalows, Lanzarote/Spain
Collection Artes Plásticas, Pamplona/Spain
Collection Caja Castilla La Mancha,Toledo/Spain
Collection Caja de Estremadura, Caceres/Spain
Collection Destillerias Altosa, La Rioja/Spain
2011 Training in the “Closlieu” with Arno Stern, R.I.S.E. The Research Institute for the Semiology
of Expression, Paris/France
1997 Silkscreen Printing and Fotografy at Art Center Arteleku, San Sebastian/Spain
1996 Silkscreen Printing and Projects, Training with Pepe Albacete, Arteleku, San Sebastian/Spain
1994 Bachelor´s Degree of Fine Arts, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich/Germany
1991/92 University Studies at Facultad de Bellas Artes, Barcelona/Spain with Adolf Genovart y
Rosa Ajenjo / Painting
1988 Sculpture Workshop with Magdalena Jetelova, Akademie der Bildenden Künste,
1987/94 University Studies at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Painting and Printmaking,
2019 Ricardo Espinoza Lolas, “Nosotros-Manual para disolver el Capitalismo”, Ediciones Morata,
S.L., 2019, pag.21/pag.275
2018 Argia, Journal of Culture, Xabier Gantzarain, “Barbara Stammel – Koadroak Gorputzak dira”
2013 Jose Luis Merino, “Hablan los Artistas”, editado por Estudio Avance Proyectos, 100 entrevistas
Con creadores vascos
2012 Iker Arranz, “bilbopunk89”, Bonberenea Ekintzak, Tolosa