Arrautza eta gizakiaren aurpegi ezkutuak
Amabirjina, santuak eta Montefeltroko Federico Piero della Francescaren koadroan arrautza azaltzen da sabaitik txintxilika. Amabirjinaren gainean. Esannahi ugari zituen arrautzak errenazimentuko artean, pod koadro horretan bi interpretazio eman zaizkio bat formari eta bestea esanahi sinbolikoari begira...
Ismael Materola (Professor of Art History, Faculty of Fine Arts of the UPV/EHU)
Painting is like looking. It means having to make decisions and carry out a physical, sensory, mental and psychological exercise. You have to choose what and how to do it, just as when observing you must place yourself before the questions that the work introduces before your eyes. One color is followed by another and after the first layer the next one is produced.
A process of transparent concealment and of illuminating instants, seeing the superimposition and placement of some tones and others. This is what happens in the work of Barbara Stammel (1960) that shows evolution and transit. The discovery that permeates accumulation. Resistance to the passage of time. A sum of media that evokes realization and invites you to relive the process....
Xabier Saenz (Historian and art critic)